Battle Unit Details


63rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry

63rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Savannah, Georgia, in December, 1862, using the 13th Georgia Infantry Battalion as its nucleus. With more than 1,100 officers and men, the unit was assigned to the Departments of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. It served as infantry and heavy artillery at Thunderbolt and Rosedew Island, and Companies B and K were engaged at Battery Wagner near Charleston. Later the regiment was placed in General Mercer's and J.A. Smith's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. Now serving as infantry, it participated in the Atlanta Campaign, July 20 to September 1, this unit reported 10 killed, 61 wounded, and 39 missing and in December, 1864, totalled 143 effectives. Very few surrendered on April 26, 1865. The field officers were Colonel George A. Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel George R. Black, and Majors Joseph V.H. Allen and John R. Giles.
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