Red Fox

Red Fox lying on the ground next to vegetation.

NPS Photo

Vulpes vulpes, more commonly known as the Red Fox, is a well-known mammal that gets its name from the vibrant color of its fur. They have reddish-orange fur, large, pointed ears, a long fluffy tail, and a pointed snout. Red foxes typically weigh 6-24 pounds and measure 18 to 33 inches tall. Foxes typically live around 2-4 years.

The Red Fox is omnivorous, meaning it eats both plants and animals. They tend to hunt independently, feeding on rodents, birds, and small game. Red Foxes are excellent hunters, possessing terrific hearing to help them spot prey. Aside from being skilled hunters, they can turn a lot of their hunting skills and aggressive nature into fun, as they participate in play fighting with other foxes.

Red Foxes are found all throughout the United States and can survive in a diverse range of habitats. At Cedar Breaks, they can be seen in the forested areas and meadows along the rim. They stay active during the winter and do very well at finding food even in snowy conditions. During the winter, female foxes will have up to 12 pups. The female and male will care for their young until the next winter, when the juvenile foxes go out on their own.

Red foxes are a low-risk species and have faced less threats to their species than many other animals due to their ability to adapt. As urbanization has increased, foxes have adapted to living in cities and eating what they can find in urban environments. As solitary animals, they find it easy to hide from humans.

Foxes are known for being cunning, especially when it comes to finding food. It’s important to never feed animals or leave food where they can access it. By taking care of and respecting wildlife, we help to preserve the species and their home.



(n.d.). Red Fox [Review of Red Fox]. National Geographic; National Geographic.

(n.d.). Red Fox [Review of Red Fox]. National Wildlife Federation; National Wildlife Federation.

Last updated: April 26, 2022

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