NPS Commends Ocracoke Volunteer Sherry Atkinson

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Date: April 8, 2014
Contact: Outer Banks Group, 252-475-9034

This National Volunteer Week, April 6-12, the National Park Service commends Volunteer Sherry Atkinson, a caretaker of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Ocracoke ponies. Sherry has been a pony volunteer since 2002, consistently working 6-8 hours per week, feeding twice daily. She also helps in unloading hay/grain deliveries, cleaning the pen, and assisting with veterinarian and farrier visits. As the pony go-to volunteer, Sherry covers extra feeding shifts when park staff or other volunteers are ill or on vacation.

Sherry enjoys her volunteer work stating, "I started volunteering for the National Park Service in 2002 as a way to give back to the community. I quickly grew to love the ponies and I look forward to the peaceful time spent with them.Sometimes it's hard to go, like when it's 20 degrees and blowing 25 plus mph, but we do it because we love the ponies and they are an important part of the island's history."

Sherry's volunteer supervisor, Lead Biological Sciences Technician Jocelyn Wright, said "Sherry's positive attitude and dedication to the ponies makes her a valuable resource to the park and we definitely appreciate all her hard work!"

The National Park Service also recognizes and appreciates the many local, community, private organizations and youth groups that volunteer countless hours in assisting with roadside and beach litter clean-up efforts.Thank you for your continued support in keeping our public lands special places to visit and play!


Last updated: April 14, 2015

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252 473-2111

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