
2021 Horne Fire on Isle Royale

Brown smoke billows over an expansive treeline.
Smoke from the 2021 Horne Fire rises over Tobin Harbor.

Abigail Winters

The summer of 2021 was warm and dry across the northern Midwest. Temperatures were above average, and rainfall was dramatically below normal, leading to a drought. This weather contributed to the spread of several wildfires across the Lake Superior region.

Despite its isolation, Isle Royale is not immune to elevated fire conditions. On August 10, 2021, lightning struck the island several times during a major storm event. These lightning strikes resulted in multipe small fires on the island's northeastern end. 

A tree in a forest is engulfed in flames. The sky is orange and filled with smoke.
The Horne Fire resulted in the closure of many trails, campgrounds, and docks.

Mike Ausema

Island Ablaze

The most signifact of these fires ignited near the Duncan Bay/Tobin Harbor Portage Trail. Initially, this small fire burned with a low flame and spread slowly. But on August 22, 2021, the fire expanded significantly when strong west winds pushed it up and over the Greenstone Ridge. Following the blowup, the fire officially became known as the Horne Fire.

The Horne Fire would go on to burn approximately 335 acres, becoming the third largest wildfire in recorded Isle Royale history, and the most significant wildfire since 1948.

A white and yellow single engine airtanker (SEAT) flies in the sky.
A single engine airtanker (SEAT) was used to conduct water drops on Horne Fire hot spots.

Abigail Winters

Suppression Efforts

Wildland firefighters from four different agencies across five states assisted in fire suppression efforts. Aircraft was used to monitor the size and spread of the fire. A single-engine air tanker (SEAT) delivered suppressant by scooping water from Lake Superior and strategically dropping it over the fire. Other tactics included creating firelines, backfiring, monitoring, and creating defensible space around structures.

A ground fire glowing orange at night.
Fire can spread through duff layers - dense layers of organic matter accumulated on the forest floor.

Kassandra Klein


Eventually, rainfall increased. Although fire activity diminished, the fire continued to smolder in some places within thick duff layers. Isle Royale closed for the season on October 31, 2021, and the fire was inspected a final time before being left to extinguish in the winter elements. In the spring, staff assessed the burn area. The fire was declared contained on June 6, 2022, and officially out on June 10, 2022.

A charred burn area. A large rock protrudes in the background.
This stark landscape inspires wonderings of what is to come.


Lasting Impact

In its wake, the Horne Fire left only remains of what used to be a dense boreal forest. Monument Rock, previously shrouded by dense vegetation, has reclaimed its position as an icon of the ridge and is now visible from Hidden Lake. Prior to the fire, moss-covered boulders and lichen extending from spruce and fir branches lined the trail to Lookout Louise. Now the trail is marked by burned snags, naked boulders, and a charred understory.

An image of a large boulder surrounded by dense foliage and tree canopy. An image of a large boulder surrounded by dense foliage and tree canopy.

Left image
Large boulder near Lookout Louise in 2020, pre-fire.
Credit: Bridget Byrne

Right image
Large boulder near Lookout Louise in 2022, post-fire.
Credit: Bridget Byrne

A person holds a white tape measure up to the top of a balsam fir tree.
The opportunity to study a recent burn area will allow researchers to learn more about the impact of moose browse on vegetation.

Valerie Martin


The area may look different, but wildfire is an agent of necessary change. Fire's role in an ecosystem is known as fire ecology. At the site of the Horne Fire, Isle Royale ecologists now have a living laboratory, and these researchers can begin to study the relationships between fire, living things, and an island environment.

In 2022, researchers began monitoring the freshly scarred landscape for invasive species, and surveyed for new moose exclosures to be constructed in order to study the impact of moose browse in a burn area.


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      Isle Royale National Park

      Last updated: September 13, 2023