Directions to Prospect Terrace

Map of direction to Prospect Terrace
Map of directions to Prospect Terrace.
Follow the Green Path on the map for a walking guide to Prospect Terrace. Walk through the Roger Williams National Memorial Park. Then go up Meeting Street. When you get to the stairs, go up them and take a left onto Congdon Street. The park is down the street on the left.

Follow the Blue Path on the map for a driving guide to Prospect Terrace. Drive out of the Parking Lot, down Canal Street. Take a left onto Park Row. Next take a left onto North Main Street and then a quick right onto South Court Street. Follow South Court Street and bear right onto Weaton Street. Then take a left onto Congdon Street. The park is down the street on the left.

Learn More

  • Colorful painting showing people gathered the first spring water source in Providence

    Learn more about Roger Williams and other influential people of his time.

  • View of the parks greenery with people walking through the park

    Learn about the places that influenced Roger Williams' life

Last updated: October 8, 2020

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