The Five Historic Buildings

Nicodemus National Historic Site
Five Historic Buildings

The five historic buildings represent spirit of Nicodemus - church, self government, education, home, and business. They illustrate the individual and collective strength of character and desire for freedom of these early pioneers who established Nicodemus - one of the oldest and most famous Black towns on the Great Plains.

The five historic buildings were declared the 355th unit of the National Park System on November 12, 1996. Nicodemus National Historic Site was signed into law by former President William J. Clinton.

The Township Hall
Nicodemus Township Hall

NPS Photo

1) Nicodemus Township Hall - Self Government

Built in 1939 with support from the Depression-era Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) program using quarried limestone, the Township Hall served more than the needs of local government. The building was used a for commmunity events such as dances, theatre, live music, and the occasional roller skating party.

The St. Francis Hotel/Switzer Residence
The St. Francis Hotel

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2) The St. Francis Hotel (Fletcher-Switzer Residence) - Business and Family life

This was not only a hotel, but also home to original owners Zachary T. and Jenny Fletcher. The Switzer family moved in during the 20th century. The hotel served as the first town post office, the first school house and as a stagecoach station.The western wall of the building shows limestone bricks that were brought over several years from Stockton, Kansas.

Old First Baptist Church
Historic First Baptist Church

NPS Photo

3) The Historic First Baptist Church

Starting in a dugout in 1877, the congregation continues to hold services today. As the congregation grew, the dugout was replaced by a prairie sod church, a small limestone structure and in 1907, the present historic building. In the 1973 a brick building to the north was constructed which holds Sunday service to this day.

African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church

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4) The African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church

The A.M.E. Church was first established in 1878 on another site and acquired the present building from the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in 1910. The A.M.E. church was fully restored and rededicated in 2021 and is open to the public during the day.

District Number 1 School

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5) District Number 1 School - Education

The first school was quickly established in the dugout of Zachary and Jenny Fletcher. School District Number 1 was established in 1879, becoming the first official school in Graham County, Kansas, and a formal schoolhouse was constructed in 1887. It was later destroyed by fire and replaced by the present building in 1918.

Last updated: May 24, 2024

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Mailing Address:

304 Washington Ave.
Nicodemus, KS 67625-3015


Phoneline for Nicodemus Visitor Center and Township Hall. Use this number to speak with Park Staff

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