Encountering the World Community

The United States doesn't exist in isolation. The nation has affected the world community through diplomacy, imperialism, war, cultural exports, and the global economy. Other countries and immigrants to the US have also had a profound influence on the course of American history.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders play a key role in the story of the United States in the world community. They have immigrated from countries directly affected by the US and forge transnational connections in the mainland US. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have joined global movements for peace, suffrage, human rights, and anti-colonialism. Many have traveled around the world as missionaries or members of the Armed Forces. Foreign-born Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made the US their new temporary or permanent home. They have enriched American culture and society and often challenged the nation to live up to its stated values. Asian American and Pacific Islander artists, performers, and writers have driven cultural exchange across borders.

Asian American and Pacific Islander experiences vary as much out in the wider world as they do at home. Explore some of their stories here.

Last updated: May 3, 2024


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