
Tribal members discuss sensitive issues at Sand Creek Massacre NHS.
Tribal members discuss sensitive issues at Sand Creek Massacre NHS.


Relationships are key to TEK projects, and a number of relational issues as well as historical trauma can present challenges even for altruistic intentions. Paternalism and paradigms can be early roadblocks. As relationships develop and project planning moves forward, legal issues and ramifications can become obstacles which may or may not be overcome. Each tribe has its own levels of comfort for sharing information. The amount and quality of information shared can be based on the topic as well.

Issues are those things that there are no immediate answers and need to be addressed through new laws or other processes at a higher level than an agency can do. The intent of this page is for people to submit white papers or issue papers on these and other topics, presenting the issues and potential solutions. Check back as topics and information will be added periodically.

Cultural Transfer of Knowledge
Environmental Governance
Indigenous Language and TEK
International Policy Concerns
Natural Areas
Protection of Tribal/Indigenous Knowledge
Reciprocity or Unjust Compensation
Religion/Spirituality - Science
Research Methodologies & Challenges
TEK vs. Western Science
Within the U.S. Federal System

Last updated: August 31, 2018